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2022年06月25日 22:01:08 科普 21 投稿:海象小站




Fullmetal Alchemist




[词典] alchemist; hermetist;


At first glance, it all seems an alchemist's illusion.













擎天柱是《变形金刚》5部作品系列中汽车人 是汽车人的领袖。擎天柱因正直、强壮、博爱、善良、亲和、顾全大局、喜怒不形于色等领袖气质深入人心,成为变形金刚系列最经典的代表人物之一。



炼金术士 英文简介

The alchemists is based on warcraft iii: the frozen throne DuoRen real-time against custom maps DotA (Defense of the Ancients) in the a neutral power, is located in the dusk pub hero. Warcraft also have this hero. In addition, there is the novel, the movie.

炼金术士是基于魔兽争霸3:冰封王座的多人实时对战自定义地图DotA(Defense of the Ancients)里一名中立的力量型英雄,位于黄昏酒馆。魔兽争霸中也有此英雄。另外,有同名小说、电影。

1 the classic

The classic "alchemy

1.1 introduction

From the west, and Newton alchemy in all of life in to devote to study alchemy, so at the time that is not a funny thing. The alchemists

Quest for immortality is alchemy is a human being the biggest temptation all temptations. Throughout history, human beings have had hoped that his longevity, and made various attempts. Of all the attempts, alchemists fantasy and skill is the most commonly used. Alchemy is up in the 12 th century Europe a name. To the eighth century, alchemy really begins. And the situation in China close, of gold is not accounted for the important position, the alchemist pursuit of the pharmaceutical, immortality is their main goal. Western alchemy can be traced back to the earliest hellenistic period, and the most reliable of the representative of interest is with moss. About life in the 350 to 420 with the moss interest there exists a kind of material believe, it can magically make metal appear people desire to change. He called for this kind of material, the Arab into Latin languages, is called "Elixirvitae" (elixir), and it is similar in China said the ", can make a person not old deathlessly "" the god of top grade-" drug" elixir ". Another alchemist, activity in the three centuries of hermes, the Egyptian priests. As the inventor of the art of all useful, hermes was generally respect, is seen as the month with Egypt god is communication, then slowly being deified as "three times the great god hermes" that his name, finally the direct evolution into alchemy. The alchemists believe, alchemy of rectification and purification base metals, is a through death and resurrection and perfect process, the symbol of the soul of the people engaged in gold by death and resurrection and perfect, so he tried the "elixir" and can prolong life, refreshing, and can make strong essence of life, he won well with excellent wisdom, noble moral, change his spirit, eventually to communicate with our creator. Needless to say, this is unable to achieve the goal. The alchemists and understand this, and from various aspects to make the "explanation". For example, a long explanation of alchemy work hard to get said: "because it is in the good all good, so I think it only by a few people through the god's kindness of angels and not personal revelation hard to acquire the stone of philosopher." And for taking "elixir of immortality" can cure method, also deliberately said very subtle. But even so, because the temptation to longevity, until in chemical party failed to be the possibility of legal gold scientific evidence of the 19 th century, negative before it has always been a broad market, even if, as Isaac Newton such great scientists think that, through the experiments to making gold, is worth doing. Many of the west, and the king of the Chinese emperor with all my heart, hope through the alchemy as help them reach their long life eternal life. Such as Britain's king Henry vi, the French king Charlie vii, Charlie the 9, ZhaLiShiErShi Swedish king, the king of Prussia, Frederick WeiLianYiShi, Frederick William iv took place, and is a faithful believer of alchemy. One particularly interesting, like queen Elizabeth of England, the alchemist John dean is possible, even to favour franchise he engaged in activities at the palace alchemy. In the center of the so-called "alchemy of Prague, emperor of the holy Roman empire rudolph ii the alchemist Michael put the count. The emergence of modern chemistry, make people to the system the possibility of gold of doubt, 17 centuries later, to alchemy was critical. Hopes of alchemy. Alchemy is a medieval a chemical philosophy thoughts and practice, is the prototype of the modern chemical. The aim is to some basic metals into gold, and found a panacea and preparation medicine against death. Now science shows that this method is it won't work. But until the nineteenth century, alchemy before scientific evidence has not yet been negative. Newton, including some of the famous scientists were trying. Alchemy The modern chemical appear can make people the possibility of alchemy of doubt.

1 译文经典


1.1 简介

炼金术源自西方,还有牛顿在后半生都在致力研究炼金术,所以在那个时代 这并不是什么可笑的事。 炼金术士

炼金术是寻求长生是人类受到一切诱惑中的最大诱惑。有史以来,人类就曾希望自己长生,并且作过种种的尝试。在所有的尝试中,炼金术士的幻想和技艺是被应用得最普遍的。 炼金术是起于12世纪欧洲的一个名字。到公元八世纪,炼金术真正开始了。和中国的情况相近,制金并不占重要地位,炼金术士们追求的是制药,长生才是他们的主要目标。 西方的炼金术可追溯到希腊化时期,最早、最可靠的代表人物是佐息摩斯。大约生活在公元350至420年的佐息摩斯相信存在着一种物质,它能魔术般地使金属出现人所企望的变化。他对这种物质的称呼,经阿拉伯传入拉丁语系后,叫做“Elixirvitae”(长生不老药),也就是类似于中国所说的“能令人不老不死”的“上品之神药”———“金丹”。另一位炼金术士,活动于公元三世纪的赫米斯,是埃及的教士。作为一切有用的技艺的发明者,赫米斯受到普遍的尊重,被看作与埃及的月神有沟通,后来慢慢地被神化为“三倍大神赫米斯”,以至于他的名字,最后就直接演变成为“炼金术”。 炼金术士相信,“炼金术”的精馏和提纯贱金属,是一道经由死亡、复活而完善的过程,象征了从事炼金的人的灵魂由死亡、复活而完善,所以,他炼出的“金丹”又能延年益寿、提神强精,并能使他获得享福的生活、高超的智慧、高尚的道德,改变他的精神面貌,最终达到与造物主沟通。不用说,这样的目标是无法达到的。炼金术士也明白这一点,因而从各方面来作出“说明”。例如,一部炼金术著作解释长生之难求说:“由于它是人世间一切幸事中的幸事,所以我认为它只能由极少数人通过上帝的善良天使的启示而不是个人的勤奋才获得哲人之石的。”而且对服用“金丹”能否治病长生的方法,也故意说得非常微妙。 但是尽管如此,由于长生的诱惑力,直到用化学方法制金的可能性未能被科学证据否定的19世纪之前,它一直都有广阔的市场,甚至像伊萨克·牛顿这样的大科学家都认为,通过实验来制取黄金,是值得做的。西方的不少国王,也与中国的那些皇帝一样,一心希望通过炼金术使自己达到长寿永生。如英国国王亨利六世、法国国王查理七世、查理九世、瑞典国王查理十二世、普鲁士国王腓特烈·威廉一世、腓特烈·威廉二世,都是炼金术的忠实信徒。其中特别有趣的,像英国的伊丽莎白女王,对炼金术士约翰·迪真是宠幸得无以复加,甚至特许他在宫中从事炼金术活动。在号称“炼金术的中心”的布拉格,神圣罗马帝国的皇帝鲁道夫二世把炼金术士迈克尔·梅尔特封为伯爵。 近代化学的出现,使人们对制金的可能性产生了怀疑,到了17世纪以后,炼金术遭到了批判。炼金术的希望破灭了。 炼金术是中世纪的一种化学哲学的思想和实践,是当代化学的雏形。其目标是将一些基本金属转变为金子,发现万灵药及制备长生不老药。现在的科学表明这种方法是行不通的。但是直到19世纪之前,炼金术尚未被科学证据所否定。包括牛顿在内的一些著名科学家都曾进行过炼金术尝试。近代化学的出现才使人们对炼金术的可能性产生了怀疑。

Alchemist(alchemistnpc) 科普


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