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2022年06月20日 09:58:09 文化 28 投稿:心想事成233





鹤壁浚县一中周亚冲,鹤壁市浚县新镇一中 文化








我的大学梦 有没有这样一所学校会是这样的:它远离城,环境清幽,或藏于山,或隐于林,尘世繁华喧闹不能染指,它高贵地树立起它的象牙塔。它一定很大,大到占据一座山,从它的中心到任意一个门去,都要花去很长的一段时间。但这正好可以使你有机会观赏它,去细细地品味它的细节魅力。以下是出国留学我的梦想作文栏目为您准备的《我的大学梦高一作文》,希望我们的作文能够让您喜欢。鹤舞白沙,我心飞翔。这句话挺适合我的,身为鹤壁人,名字中又含有“飞”字。对于大学,刚开始是向往大学安静的图书馆。如今学业紧张,让我不得不把手中的课外书放下,只苦啃着一本本习题,但我心中仍有钻研大学的梦想。我想大学的校园,正是实现这梦想的地方,我想融入一个不一样的集体,不同于现在,那里是一个更加成熟的社会集体,那里没有老师的叮咛,没有家长的叮嘱,面对一个崭新的开始,一个新的生活,我开始无比地期待大学中的交流以及合作,吹尽狂沙始到金,我想进一步看见一个不一样的我,默默工作为集体付出的我,或是在台上自信潇洒的我,我想对自己微笑。年年岁岁花相似,岁岁年年人不同。不同时期的我有不同的目标,但对于大学,我的向往是永恒不变的。那是一个塑造新的自我,实现自己的梦想和价值的地方,我的大学,呵,我的大学梦…你始终静静地刻在我的书桌上,不曾淡去,现在的我没有其他的途径,我审视手中的砝码,对,只有努力。以前的我是一个捣蛋鬼,从不知学习,成绩一直落已倒数。通过我不懈努力,取得现在的成果。曾第一年中考我以低分落了榜,距我们浚县一中分数相差万里。这使我与向往中的高中失之交臂,在父母的鼓励下我步入了第二个初三,给了我第二个勇气,让我相信只要努力,一切都是有可能的。有时候我会羡慕别人的辉煌成就,有时候我会抱怨命运对我的不公,但是我有我的大学梦。那个不可磨灭的梦想,任何理由都不可更改我的大学梦,所以一次次地失败我鼓起了勇气,向一切不可能,向一切怀疑的眼神微笑,我用尽一切可能的办法,燃烧起自己的热情,我将自己的梦想一次次深深刻在写字桌的,回想自己一次次地克服自我,创造了一个又一个的奇迹,我想我的心终有一天可以飞翔在碧天云海,遨游万里长空。有之者事竟成,破釜沉舟,百二秦关终属楚;苦心人天不负,卧薪尝胆,三千越甲可吞吴。依旧是深深地仰望心中理想的大学校园,我带着我的自信和梦想在黑暗中静静地寻找那希望的星光——我的大学梦想,一阵微风吹过,鹤舞白沙,我心飞翔…













In, 2006 25 to January, 2007 7, in the one have December carried onthe more comprehensive teaching investigation in Henan Province HebiSunhsien. I to English discipline foundation grade classroominstruction which was responsible carry on with emphasis earnestlyhave attended a lecture, comment the class, and has carried on thecomprehensive exchange with the general teachers. Henan Province Hebi Sunhsien in the one is a comprehensive highschool, the teachers strength is abundant, had every year largequantities of graduates as well as the former years graduate walksinto university's school gate. I altogether attend a lecture inspecialized investigation this period of time 25, has carried on therelated teaching experience exchange with the famous English teacher.Presently the investigation result as well as the existence questionand the analysis report will be as follows. Question 1. English teachers troop basic situation 1) young teacherproportion sharp increase English teacher for several yearscontinuously short, again adds for several years to expand therecruitment of students, senior teacher's one after anotherretirement, therefore, the young teacher troop is more and more huge,the only three years teaching senority teacher approximately composes25%. 2) young teacher the troop relative does not stabilize as aresult of the social various aspects factor influence, the goodEnglish teacher flows out very many. Some were admitted to a schoolthe graduate student by the teaching basic skills solid teacher which,had the teacher which the teacher because private goes abroad, has toresign changes professions and so on. 3) teacher job appraisaldifficultly as a result of young teacher proportion oversized, butsenior teacher title limited, comments for the young teacher's dutyhires to create enormously is anxious. 2. general classes situations 1) basically complete the teaching task,the teaching goal are not comprehensive. For example, in the teachinglacks the ability goal raise, cannot excavate in the teaching materialthe ideological education factor. 2) proposed the question lacks theinspiration and the thought value, often for asked asked. 3) theteaching structure insufficient integrity, the teaching linkarrangement lacks the scientific nature. 4) the different class is notwith emphasis prominent, the teacher says a lot, the student practicedlittle, still is in the force-feed type teaching way. 5) attends classthe deficient fervor, does not invest, does not pay great attention tothe teaching feedback, the teaching method solely, the progress isslower. 3. difference classes situation 1) teaching idea obsolete, theteaching way is backward. 2) to the program, the teaching materialunderstanding is superficial, the teaching goal is unclear, theteaching does not have the pathway. 3) lacks to the conventionalteaching principle understanding, attends class the level not to beunclear, the teaching link is incomplete, violates student's cognitionrule. Between 4) does not have the teachers and students, to propagatethe activity, does not observe the student to attend class thesituation, causes to teach with study seriously to come apart. 5) theteaching basic skills are bad, English pronunciation, the intonationare nonstandard, English teaches the expression not to be unclear. Inbrief, in the class the good teacher mostly belongs to the enterpriseto grieve, the sense of responsibility strongly, is willing to studydiligently, the friendly summary, positive is upward, unceasinglyprogresses. In the class the common teacher mostly likes eating theinitial capital, bad to books study, to life study, to other peoplestudent. Is not willing to endure hardship the study, also isnarcissistic, does not believe the other people. The bad class appearsmuch on the young teacher body, also has individually occurs on themiddle-aged teacher body. Third, the teaching suggested 1. schools had to understand someforeign language teachings the characteristic, still might penetratethe classroom, the thorough teacher and the student, the discussionenhances the teaching efficiency the effective action. 2. someteachers must transform the education teaching idea, must truly knowteaches for the significance which study serves. Does not solve in thethought problem, the teaching behavior change then without knowingwhere to begin mentions. Has the transformation regarding these ideas,but in the teaching behavior is at is at a loss the condition teacher,first observes, the multi- imitations, the multi- exchanges in theteaching operation, gradually acts according to own actual situationto form individual teaching style. 3. English teachers must strengthenown teaching motion research. Consummates own knowledge structure,takes the good teaching effect by the solid main body sexual knowledgethe basic guarantee; Enhances the teacher culture knowledge widespreadand profound; Unceasingly summarizes, consummates its practiceknowledge. 4. forms the good teaching research atmosphere. First takethe educational research group, prepares a lesson the group as theunit, makes the class, attends a lecture, comments the class. Localthe research also transfers the teacher to comment the classenthusiasm, mutually exchanges the study. Simultaneously theteacher, stresses the experimental topic, solves problem which wefaces.






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